Each year has been a step forward, a leap into the future, and a testament to the desire to learn, grow, and excel in the ever-evolving world of technology.

2023: Aiming Higher in the Clouds

In the current chapter of my career, I’ve stepped into the role of a Technical Lead. My focus is on bringing the future to the present—implementing serverless architecture on AWS Cloud. It’s about adapting swiftly to the pulse of evolving technologies, ensuring that our projects soar and achieve their goals.

2022: Leading the Tech Symphony

Being a Technical Lead isn’t just a title—it’s an opportunity to orchestrate a tech symphony. In this role, I’m crafting serverless architecture and navigating the vast expanse of AWS. Every line of code written and every resource provisioned is a note in this digital symphony, resonating with the harmonious flow of technology.

2021: Clouds, Kubernetes, and DevOps, Oh My!
In the world of ones and zeros, I’ve taken on the mantle of a Senior DevOps Engineer. This means sculpting the cloud to fit our needs, using Kubernetes to weave a seamless tech fabric, and embracing the evolving art of CI/CD. It’s about juggling these roles and mastering the dance of technology.

2020: Embracing the Storm of Change
Life as a Senior DevOps Engineer means navigating a storm of change. The AWS cloud is our ship, and Kubernetes is the compass. We set sail into uncharted territories, adapting swiftly to the winds of emerging tech, steering our projects through the waves of innovation.

2019: The DevOps Journey Begins
Joining the ranks as a Senior DevOps Engineer, I’ve realized the power of adaptability. I’m building bridges between development and operations, crafting pipelines of efficiency, and mastering the art of automation. It’s about being a linchpin in the project’s journey, smoothly transitioning through its various phases.

2018: Crafting Cloud Castles
My journey into the world of cloud engineering began, and I was spellbound. Crafting highly available and secure cloud infrastructures became my forte. AWS was my canvas, and VPC, EC2, and RDS were my tools. It was about building castles in the cloud that stood strong against the winds of digital change.

2017: Clouds on the Horizon
As a Cloud Engineer, I was in awe of the clouds on the horizon—specifically, the AWS cloud. VPCs, EC2s, and more became my playground. It was a time of learning, configuring, and deploying, laying the foundation for my cloud-powered future.

2016: Venturing into the Cloudscape
This was the year the clouds whispered to me, and I heeded their call. Becoming a Cloud Engineer, I embraced AWS services, learning to architect and manage robust cloud solutions. It was like learning to navigate the vast sky of cloud possibilities.

2015: The Art of Web Wonders
Venturing into software and web development, I dived into the art of creating wonders online. From server builds to database designs, every line of code was like a brushstroke on the canvas of the web. It was the time I learned the art and science of building the digital world.

2014: Scripting Success in Code
In this year, I delved deep into software development. I wrote lines of code that brought ideas to life. From understanding requirements to fixing bugs, it was about making things work and learning the craft of coding.

2013: The Dawn of Development
Starting as a software and website developer, I embraced the challenges and triumphs of coding. From system builds to application logic, this was where the foundations of my technical journey were laid.

2012: Sales, Technology, and Beginnings
This was the year I wore multiple hats—sales representative, website manager, and technical enthusiast. It was about understanding clients, creating presentations, and taking the first steps into the world of technology.

2011: The Graduation Step
My academic journey reached a significant milestone as I completed my B.Tech in Electronics & Communication. It was the stepping stone to a world of endless possibilities and opportunities in the tech realm.

2010: The Beginning
The journey began with the pursuit of a B.Tech in Electronics & Communication, a journey that laid the foundation for a life fueled by passion for technology and the quest for knowledge.


Empowering through Knowledge: 


Imagine a future where every child has access to quality education, where technology isn’t just a tool but a gateway to limitless learning. Let’s create a world where education isn’t a privilege but a right, fueling the flames of innovation and progress across every corner of our great nation.

Why Choose Me


Proven skills and knowledge ensure me to be an invaluable collaborator.


Ability to quickly learn and adapt to new technologies and trends is impressive.


Effective collaboration during projects showcases dedication to teamwork.


Visionary approach in adopting emerging technologies sets me apart for collaboration.

Client Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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